Sunday 26 February 2017

Sink or Swim

Here we are again everyone!
Sunday already!! I felt like we ploughed through last week at a alarming speed, maybe it had something to do with the lovely storm Doris, who actually wasn't too lovely at all, in fact she was a right moody old bag and Thursday she brought some of the strongest winds this area of England have seen for a few years.
Thursday, my friend and I went for our weekly swim, as you know one of my new years resolutions was to be a stronger swimmer, I don't swim at all well, my ex used to swim like a fish and I was always very jealous of his confidence in finding some water and just going off for a swim!
He also taught both my girls to swim, and they are both confident swimmers. A few years ago we were on a canal boating holiday in Belgium, one evening we had been to a restaurant for tea and as we walked back along the canal to our boat in the dark, I got left behind with the kids as the adults had wondered off ahead.
Nothing dramatic happening, but as I walked along I thought about falling in, the adults wouldn't hear me and the kids wouldn't be strong enough to help me, other than that I would be furious if any of the children risked their lives to save me in deep dark water.
That was when I decided I needed to learn to swim, even if I couldn't see where I was swimming to, at least I could try to save myself. So, my ex began to teach me to swim when we got home, it was a very slow process, but he successfully taught me the basics for which I will always be grateful, since we have not been together, it hasn't been priority, until, I took my girls on their first holidays abroad, it was so bloody hot that you had to get in the water. The girls and my partner were dipping in and out of the water, and I sat frying on a sunbed, so while we were in Malta I began getting up early and going to the pool while there was no one about and practicing my swimming in the shallow end.
Now I go with my friend every Thursday, I have a marker on the side of the pool which is maybe just under half way of the length of the pool.
This week we got there early, we have fallen into a little routine, I use the same changing cubical each time and I always use the second row of lockers down from the top and usually the third or fourth one in from the left, I always use my cane as I need to walk past the baby pool with little people having their swimming lessons to get to the shallow end of the big pool, and you never know what obstacles you might  encounter along the way, other than that there are a million (well, not quite a million) but loads of different sounds and different sounding sounds!! Peoples voices sound different at the pool, and there are lots of people shouting instructions to others, whether that be to the kids having lessons, the water aerobics instructor or the life guards, then there is the music playing in the back ground and the parents nattering as they watch their small people have their lessons, oh, and of course there is the slightly scary sound of people moving in the water.
So before I even get into the pool, all my senses are on high alert, so the cane is essential, it also tells the life guards and people around me that I am visually impaired without having to say a word.
This week, the builders had been in through the night and had left the fire escapes open, thus lowering the temperature of the effing freezing!
However, this meant that to keep warm we had to keep moving, the problem I have with my ears at the moment caused my swim to be messy and my 'balance' in the water took ages to maintain, added to that I think that because the water was so cold, I was trying to move too quickly, and when I slowed it down my balance seemed better.....then it happened, I was swimming to the marker and my friend was swimming towards me, before I knew it I had swam straight past my marker and was confidently moving along toward the deep end, I recon I must have got three quarters along the length of the pool before this stupid little voice in my head started saying....ohhhh look Lyndy Loo, your feet cant touch the ground anymore, whatcha gonna dooooo, drownnnn? I grabbed the side of the pool, and casually 'took a rest' while I fought with the little shit of a demon in my head! I won, and swam the rest of the way to the deep end of the pool....F**K YEAH!!!! I cant remember being so proud of myself, and THEN, ladies and gentlemen, I turned around and swam back!!! I did stop a couple times as I realised I was holding my breath, but it was all good, I DID IT!!!!
The thing I find reassuring and a little odd at the same time, is how much people see, I just get in the pool and do my stuff, but after I had been to the deeeep end, a lady swam over and was saying how well I was doing and was telling me how I would find it easier to swim in deeper water, talk about a ego booster.
Anyway, after our customary trip to Waitrose café we battled our way home, the wind had brought down trees everywhere, and as my friend dropped me home I noticed my wheelie bin trotting past on its way up the street. I spent most of the afternoon running around chasing my stupid wheelie bin, a man across the road from me had found six bins flying around, tied them together and had attached them to a tree, mine had developed a mind of it own and was doing its own thing, when I found myself telling the bin off for running down the street, I knew I had to stop, so I brought the bin into the garden a wedged it in with some bricks and a ladder....I still found myself saying....there, that serves you right, Barry the bin, if you are going to keep running off you will have to stay in the garden! Ralph was looking at me with his head on one side, I am sure he was thinking, My stupid human is talking to a bin! And to think, people used to worry that I spent too much time on my own!!!
Then I settled down for my very first multi person telephone call with RNIB Connectors, it was very interesting, there was a man from Northern Ireland named Jim who sounded like the sort of man you instantly warm to, I think there was eight of us on the call, and people threw ideas in, some ideas were great, some I don't entirely agree with, but as a newbie I feel its important to listen and learn, instead of pooing on someone's vision. From what I understand, the Connection team will do just that, connect people who have visual impairments, ensuring that people have the support to gain and maintain independence, better knowledge of helpful societies, charities and professions, provide support, understanding and friendship as well as raising awareness and fund raising within our local communities. I also understand that this is all at the very early stages and think it will take a while before a structure begins to form. But when it does, I believe this will provide a essential and direct form of support for people at every stage of individuals journey.
Anyway, I sat very quietly listening, feeling a little bit like a spy earwigging on a private conversation, Jim has organised a event that will take place in Ireland in April, I know...cos blogger tells me where about in the world my readers are, that I have many readers over the water in Ireland, so get yourselves to see Jim, support him and tell him I sent you...I will be sending out reminders!!

 RNIB Connect roadshow
RNIB Connect invites people affected by sight loss and their friends and family for 'Coffee and Chat' to see how a Connect Community can work for you.

Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre
24 Main Street, Limavady
Date: Thursday 6 April
Time: 12 noon (tea / coffee and sandwiches) to 3pm (approx)
RSVP is essential

Call: Jim Nash on 07927 155 673

Ohhh I nearly forgot,
Our very first sign of spring!
Speak soon xx

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