Sunday 15 May 2016

Weight Watchers

Hey folks,
As promised just a very quick up date on my weight watchers meeting, So, for starters I weigh more than I thought I did, I knew I had put some on because I had been forcing myself into my jeans and my little summer cami tops I like to wear had started to roll up my belly, and I just felt horrid. anyway, my bestie and I were the first people at the meeting, with her help we filled in the registration form and went off to be weighed and collect our joining packs, the whole weight watchers thing has changed again, and where they used to use good old fashioned books to look through, its mostly been replaced with apps for your phone and recording your progress through a website. This for me is difficult, I struggle to use the computer, I like using Blogger because its easy and there's no fancy crap around the edges of the page as I write to distract me, sometimes I find doing my Tesco delivery shop too overwhelming, luckily there is a little tab thing that you click on called favourites and, well, it lists all the stuff you've recently brought so all you do is click and scroll, then I write a little list of extras and just tap them into the search box at the top of the page, well easy!! I did look at the WW website, and tried to put in my monthly pass code, but when it wouldn't go onto the next page I gave up! I know this sounds proper wimpy, and I will re do it but only when I am in the right frame of there! The interesting part of the meeting was, well, actually the meeting! Last time we joined we used to sign in, get weighed and run out, all done in 10 mins, this we browsed the little shop they set up that has loads of WW products to check out, then we got settled, I never do well at these things, and I turn into a bit of a critic, I know its the whole 'fight or flight' thing going on, if I act unapproachable then no one will ask me a question or put me on the spot. But, as I sat there and looked around at all the people moving around...wait, let me back track a bit, one of my old neighbours used to go to WW and I had heard on the good old village grape vine, that she was attending as a errr 'helper' I think you call them, anyways, as I walked through the door, I instantly heard her voice and knew she was the other side of the hall, so I called her and waved her over, in my mind a big TICK, I didn't want her to think I was ignoring her because I hadn't seen her, because I recognise people by body shape I was worried she might suddenly be a size 0 and look completely different, although she had lost weight, she was still the same person who had been my neighbour for years. So, back to sitting at the meeting, I was surprised that everyone in the WW team remembered and were pleased to see us, when everyone was sitting down I felt really relaxed, I listened to what everyone had to say, instead of thinking about what I needed to do when I got home, everyone was happy, everyone was proud and smiling, wanting to share their achievements. I am one of those people who sit on the edge of their chair because they feel that they haven't really got time to sit down and MUST be ready to spring into action at any time, but sitting their I realised that this was about me, doing something for myself, not as a Mum but as Lynda, its social interaction, I don't really meet new people because I am not a very confident person. When I climbed into my bed that night, I had a big smile on my face, one, because I am taking control of my weight again, but two because another door has opened and this time I am going to try my very best to attend every meeting and see if I can get around the WW website.
Today my girls were struggling with their moods, one was grumpy because she was tired after stomping all over London yesterday and the other was feeling low after the madness that is caused by the GCSE mocks over the last two weeks, so I bullied them both into getting up, dressed and taking the dog out with me, we walked to the Five Bells in Henlow which is about a half hour walk from our house, we sat in the garden and had a lovely pub lunch in the garden (I had tuna salad, wayyy healthy), while we were sat there my eldest put a step counter app on my phone, I am astonished, from the pub we walked to Langford garden centre, brought some more chilli plant seeds and walked over the fields home, we took 9110 steps, walked 6.0 km and burnt off 250 calories!! More importantly, my ladies were both in much better moods and were actually being nice to each other instead of trying to tear each others heads off, and we even saw wildlife, well, Ralph did, there was a massive Deer just standing in the middle of a field, the girls were mesmerised and I was straining to see it, next thing the stupid dog is bounding across the field to see if the giant fluffy thing wants to play with him, unfortunately it didn't!  Alice took some fab photos of it, I will see if I can get some for my next blog.
Poor boy, totally worn out!
I am ready for another week, I have more seedlings to go out and my counselling session that was cancelled last week is on Monday, so bye for now....

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