Sunday 11 December 2016

My xmas Decs!!

Hello everyone,
Once again the blogging seems to have been pushed down on the list of things I need to do, but I hope this blog finds you all safe and well?
Being that crazy time of the year again, I find I can only focus on shopping, as you all know, Mum starts marching me around the shops in the middle of October trying to get me organised as come the beginning of December its just far to busy...for me anyway!
I dunno, this year, its just not really felt like Christmas in the shops, Mum and I went into Peterborough on the train in the last week of November, John Lewis just didn't have that Christmas buzz like it usually does and I think their festive stuff is the same old crap they bring out every year. For years and years, I have brought the Barnardo's mugs they sell, and they are always really eye catching, this year they have the dog on from their advert bouncing on some kids trampoline, and frankly, they just don't fit the bill, so I stuck £20 in the Barnardo's collection box instead.
Maybe its just me but everything seems half hearted, it has really been a dreadful year with one thing and another, and I have heard many people saying they cant wait for January to roll itself around, or maybe..just maybe I am getting old!
Peterborough decs weren't bad....
See, it wasn't too busy and I stood for ages watching the 'light tree' and all the people walking by, whilst Mum took herself around M&S.
Despite the lack of enthusiasm I have for Christmas and the total chaos that's been going on around me the last few weeks, the girls and I have made our house into a real grotto.
Lights in the garden trees...

Conservatory, looks festive...

Ralph has got his very own tree beside his bed...

And finally my living room with my big tree..

Nothing nicer than sitting with in the dark with just the Christmas tree lights on, watching a Christmas movie with my girls and Ralph.
Remember how I told you before about the whole blue badge thing, how I hated it and really didn't want it, it came anyway and I stuffed it in a draw and use it very rarely?
Last week, I needed to nip into Hitchin to pick up my daughters contact lenses, I would usually pop in on the bus, but I have been having trouble with my blood pressure falling too low and I just felt light headed and a bit wobbly.
Added to this lovely Tuesday morning was bright brilliant sunshine after a heavy frost, and well to be honest when a lift was offered I took it, grabbing my blue badge for parking as we went out the door. we parked in a disabled space near to the town and displayed my badge, in the half anhour it took to walk around to collect contact lenses and walk back to the car, a traffic warden had slapped a ticket on the took me a while to figure out why we got the ticket....
It seems my badge is a good 21 months out of date, I never even noticed, I rarely use it, I haven't received a reminder for renewal, I do feel a little cheated, but I paid the £35 and put it in the box in my head of all the things I wont let happen again, when I got home I got on to renewing it, after ages on the computer, I discovered that it will cost me another £10!!
The moral of the story is, if you are a blue badge owner...check the bloody expiry date cos them buggers ent gonna remind you when its time to renew!
All this kinda killed my mood for a quiet and lovely day out with the other half, instead we both got cranky, stomped around a garden centre, had breakfast in their café and went home!
Speaking of the delightful central Bedfordshire council, they actually managed to come out and replace the concrete slabs behind my garden gate which we use to access our back garden, tree roots had pushed them in all directions and I kept tripping over them when I went out to the bins, they do look rather lovely now, all straight and flat....nearly makes me want to sweep them, but after a few seconds the feeling wears off...luckily!
Speak soon x


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