Wednesday 17 January 2018

Counting my lucky stars

Yesterday, my friends, I successfully managed to set fire to my washing machine......the first bloody day in weeks that the sun has shone and the wind has been strong enough to dry washing on the washing line...and the only wet washing I had was singed and smelt of burning and only fit for the bin! However, I count my lucky stars that I hadn't gone out or done the washing over night like I usually do otherwise things, definitely would be a whole lot different today. 
Now I have a new washing machine and dishwasher on order, an order that cant be delivered until the 4th Feb, bloody marvellous! I wonder if anyone would notice if I did the washing-up and my laundry at the same time in the kitchen sink? I refuse to let this get me down, I promised myself that I would maintain a positive attitude throughout this year, two bloody weeks into January and already I am being tested, but tonight when I write in my diary I will still write something positive and put the negative to one side.
In fairness, the washing machine has been playing up for a few days, so I had a little nagging voice in my head warning me to be careful with it, but I had just popped upstairs for literally 2 minutes when I heard Ralph whimpering, thinking he had hurt himself I came rushing downstairs to find the kitchen full of a foul smelling smoke and big electrical popping sounds which could only mean that I needed to move bloody quickly, stupidly I just yanked the plug out of the wall socket when I suppose I should have gone to the main switch board thingy and flipped off all the electrics, but hey, nothing like a little shock to wake you up in the morning!
Ralph and I managed to get the clothes out of the machine, but they were nasty....Ralph and I just stood there looking at each other and then looking at the heap of disgusting clothes on the floor, if I left the clothes wet I would never get rid of the smell and my best jeans were in there and daughter number ones new clothes, so I shoved them all into a bag, grabbed Ralphs lead and we ran to the bus stop, jumped on the bus, to the relief of all the other bus goes we got off a few stops down taking the foul smell with us and took the washing to mums, where she did some kind of mystical magical miracle and a couple of hours later the washing was returned, clean, dry, ironed and smelling like wild flowers on a summers day! I cant wait for the day that I turn into a hero mum, actually maybe you never realise that you have turned into a hero mum, perhaps it time we started telling our hero parents that they are hero's!!
Anyway, all drama aside, the important thing for me at the moment is that I seem to be continuing to be able to see through the black smudge that is my friend the floater, my confidence is definitely returning in leaps and bounds. The girls and I took the train to Woodbridge two weekends ago, there wasn't a single moment when the dark bothered me as we did three different station changes on a Friday night. I am so very lucky to have friends who we can go to and feel so welcome, there is never any expectations we do what we want, wear what we want and talk about the strangest things over Sunday dinner. So I have been set up with a dose of the tinkling boats, fresh sea air and cosy calm chatter, mind you, if this current bout of things breaking continues I might find myself packing bags, getting back on the train and finding detachment from it all. 
I am feeling so confident that I am going to start swimming again next week, my lovely friend and I will be braving the cold water at Hitchin pool on Monday morning, and hopefully things will start falling into place now and before I know it I will be back at work pissing everyone off with my constant bossiness. 
well, I suppose I should go and walk Ralph, the sun is out again, and its windy, bloody typical another day where I could have had washing on the line, just you wait, as soon as I get a new machine, the April showers will start early!!
Speak soon x

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