Saturday 15 August 2015

About me

So, here's a bit about myself! I am, well was, a single parent with two delightful, supportive and helpful teenage girls, we have a puppy and although he is super cute, I am constantly tripping over the little bugger!
I work (although some days I don't know how the hell I have done a days work) at a special needs school, I work part time, and have been for 13 years, I know the place inside out so I manage quite well around the place, its when the bell goes for the start of day that the problems start!
Over the last 3 years I have experienced lows that I thought I could never understand, and thinking about it now, it scares me how close I came to deciding enough was enough....without even realising I had come to that decision, and then to walk away, go to bed and wake the following morning to be horrified at the thoughts and feelings I was having! This blog is to help me sort though some of those emotions, to share some of the experiences with you, blind or not life can be a real bitch, and my ethos has always been that there are people a lot worse off than me...........

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