Thursday 20 August 2015

Pre Registration

I had always been short sighted and to this day its un determined what exactly caused my transition from short sighted to blind! I am healthy and used to enjoy cycling 6ish miles to work every day, I was very active and confident, all that changed on the 29th August 2010. I woke up early as my then partner had finished his night shift at 6am, but I felt odd! I don't know why but I didn't put my contact lenses in, which is something I always do before I get out of bed as my glasses are like some thing that Olive from 'on the buses' would wear! Walking down the stairs I felt light headed, when I sat down it took a few moments for my head to stop spinning and when I tried to focus everything was know those wobbly mirrors traditionally found in fun fairs, it took me a few hours if I am honest to realise that something was very wrong and I probably should be making my way to the hospital.
The October before I had been knocked off my bike by some crazy woman who threw open her car door right in my path and sent me sprawling across the road in front of a bus, luckily I only damaged my shoulder but even though I was wearing one of those awful looking cycle helmets I smacked my head on the road, knocking myself out...the driver of the car indecently didn't stop because she had a doctors appointment and consequently was untraceable, but my point is somewhere in the muddle of the days following the accident a nurse advised me to go to Moorfields A&E if I should experience any problems with my sight from the head bump. So 10 months later, I am sitting on my sofa scared to death and the nurses voice pops into my head, so I call A&E, and so began one of the most daunting, humbling, bloody terrifying experiences of my life.........

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