Wednesday 18 January 2017

Bus Journey

Hello everyone,
I know this blog is not really sight related, but I think I could write a book about the shenanigans I encounter on the number 72 bus to Hitchin, its a only half hour journey for me, but it is always filled with 'something'.
I suppose it is sort of sight related as, if I had better sight I wouldn't need a bus pass and would probably be able to drive and will have purchased a car and would have very boring journeys to Hitchin!
Tuesday, I caught the 8.45am bus to the town, it was very cold standing at the bus stop, and sadly the bus was late, this brought lots of grumbles from the pensioners who were standing beside me.
When at 8.55 it came trundling around the corner, it was a double decker type bus, this sent a short lived ripple of excitement through the pensioners, who, when they got on the bus did no more than slap their bus pass on the card reader thingy and grunt...'your late' to the bus driver, they then proceeded to make their way up the bus isle moaning to anyone who would listen about the fact that the bus was late and it was disgusting that they had to wait in the cold!
Maybe the bus company should send out a van with blankets and hot soup when they know the service is going to be late!
I felt sorry for the bus driver, I am sure that if he could have got his bus to the bus stop on time he would have done, what did they think the bus driver had been doing? Maybe he nipped into Tesco on route and had breakfast!!
More likely it had something to do with the four sets of road works between here and Bedford and the fact that its first thing in the bloody Morning and the whole country is trying to get to work or drop kids at school, gridlocking the roads.
I am a regular on this bus these days which means I now have what I like to refer to as my bus family, some of them have real names because I know them and some have made up names because its funny!!
Handbag got on at my stop, Handbag cos she is always moaning about the size of her handbag, a few stops down my heart sunk as 'its all about me' got on, a name which speaks for itself really, I think she thinks she is a bit royal, and does this regal wave to all her cronies, a few more stops along and her mate gets on, 'mousey', because she reminds me of a timid quiet mouse, 'Its all about me' is happy to see her pal and proceeds to talk at the top of her voice all about how she has the perfect family, bla bla bla, I actually feel like I am part of that family as I know soooo much about it just from sitting behind her on the bus!!
Mousey, just sits and nods, if she dare try and butt in she is put back into her place!
In the next village we pick up Mr and Mrs, who are a fascinating couple, she is massive, I don't mean over weight, I mean very tall and well built, he is tiny, short, bird like and his clothes are too big for him. He carries all the shopping and stands patiently and quietly while she chats away to all the other pensioners, they always sit together, you never see one without the other and they are always holding hands, provided he hasn't got too much shopping to carry. I would really love to know their story.
In the same village there is a old Italian couple, you can tell she was a beautiful woman when she was younger, she sadly has Alzheimer's and her husband always holds her hand tightly to stop her wandering away, He always has a sad look about him and seems to worry that people might be judging him for holding on to her so tightly, but you can see that the man is devoted to a woman who no longer recognises the world around her, and his face to her is that of familiarity rather than that of her husband, my heart goes out to this man and his wife, known to me as the Italian couple, every time I see them, my troubles are nothing compared to his.
On the return journey an hour later I found myself sitting right in the middle of what I can only describe as a pensioner riot!
So, one old lady had been talking to the shop fitters at a shop that had been empty for sometime, turns out he had told her that the new shop is going to be Ann Summers..........honestly, you have never hear such up roar in all your life.....'why on earth do we need a shop like THAT in our town, its disgusting'......'ohhh yes, filthy, its just going to encourage those perverts'.....'well, I am going to complain I don't want to see toys for adults, we haven't even got a shop selling toys for children'....seriously this is how it went on all the way home, I had the biggest smile on my face and couldn't stop giggling all the way home, you see that generation didn't have sex....ohhhh nooooo the stalk brought the next generation, no need for all that messy stuff!
You cant kid me oldies, we know what you got up to when the lights went out, the radio went off and there was no such thing as telly!!!
Still, it brightened my day, and another reason for not sitting at home thinking about the things you cant do, so if you are feeling a bit low tomorrow, get on a bus, honestly, its mind blowing!!
Although, I cant help wondering if the shop fitter was winding the old woman up, which would serve her right for being bloody nosey!!
Still no more news on the exciting news, but will let you in on it when I can.
Speak Soon xx

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful piece of character observation! Lynda, you may have vision problems, but you don't half see a lot!
