Sunday 8 January 2017


Hello everyone,
Here we are already starting the second week of January, Christmas is all packed up and returned to the loft, the last of the nuts, biscuits and chocolates have been pushed into packed lunch boxes, given away or thrown in the bin and we are all trying desperately to stick to our news years resolutions.
I often wonder why people make resolutions, a good friend of mine and I used to sit in her kitchen on new years day and make our resolution list over a glass of wine or two, we would literally have pen and paper and make proper lists with at least 10 items on each.
Those were good times, and sadly times change, we used to take our resolutions seriously, they were always achievable, well nearly!!!
In the four years that have passed since I last made resolutions with my friend I haven't really made any, not because I haven't felt I needed to make any but because the memories seemed to precious to change.
I mean, I felt that I couldn't make any because it wouldn't be the same and making them without my friend felt disrespectful. The truth is I think wayyyy to much, memories are just that!! They are memories, they aren't going anywhere, they are tucked away in a beautiful happy place in the back of my mind, always there and never forgotten.
So this year, I have decided maybe I should make some realistic resolutions. I feel the need to make some changes as I think I have become stagnant,
First I would like to look into having a career change, I have worked with special needs children for well over 10 years and have loved every minute of it, I have laughed and cried alongside some truly amazing people, over the years I have learnt from some of the very best, kind, generous and overwhelmingly supportive people who work tirelessly to provide the best outcome for all of the children in their charge, for this insight into a world that lots of people don't see, I am eternally grateful, knowing these children and some of there parents has helped me to understand and respect a way of teaching and learning that mainstream schools don't even touch on. The special children I have had the honour of working with are special, not because they have special needs but special because they touch the hearts of the people who support them every day. They are not naughty children they are children who do not understand the world around them, children who need time, space and routine to function.
As time has trickled along, I know I need to find a stable basis for my future, giving up work and sitting on by butt all day is not a option, as my sight gets worse, I will have to come to terms with the fact that working in this environment will not be safe for me or the children I work with, so with this in mind I intend to explore other opportunities that will enable me to remain active and more importantly, earning a wage, as I got a long way to go before I can retire.
For years seeing Whales in real life was at the top of my list of things to do, but it never happened and now I think its probably too late as I doubt if I would be able to see a whale from a boat, I suppose they could dangle me in as bait and wait for the beautiful amazing creatures to come to me, but knowing my luck a shark would eat me before I got to see them, so going with realism Whales have dropped off my list, but going with the water theme I would like to become a stronger swimmer, I taught myself how to swim a couple of years ago but I am really crap at it, so my aim is to manage my days off better and fit more of the things in that are for meee.
Then I suppose I gotta do the usual crap like loose weight and get fit, I would say I am going to try to be a nicer person, but hey bugger that!!
I want to spend more time in the garden and this summer I want it to look really pretty, in fact spending more time outside generally, I love walking and have been given some maps for different routes around the village, so Ralph and I intend to try those.
Ralph will be so pleased, we took him for on a bus trip to town yesterday.....
he loves getting out and about, he will love a new route or two!
Back to resolutions, wouldn't be interesting to know how may people actually stick to the resolutions they make, why they make them, if they really intend on making changes, maybe making resolutions is just a way of helping people transition into the new year, sort of a focus and a new start!
Its important to keep making changes I suppose, for me its hard to step out of my comfort zone but this year I am going to push it, I am finding that it is way to easy to stay home and do familiar things so this year, people, changes are on the way!!
Speak soon and have a good week xx

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