Saturday 10 October 2015

Red Chairs

Anyway, back on track, I was going to talk about how I managed to get a seat on the red chairs!
like I said, I get a lot of discomfort and because I need to make sure I get back to the hospital within a certain amount of time if the retina behind my eye tears I was extra sensitive I suppose in the beginning. I had to learn to know the difference between doing too much and feeling awful to knowing when something is really wrong. One time I woke up with my 'bad' eye stuck closed and nasty stabbing pains behind it, I got up, had a wash and tried to put contact lenses in, but I couldn't even get my eye open enough to get my contact lenses in. I sat about for a bit, but somewhere deep down in the pit of my stomach I knew I needed to be at the hospital, so I rang the number the hospital gave me, and got the reply I always get when they pull up my notes.....come in immediately. I put the phone down...big sigh, and then phone my Mum, who is always like a supersonic woman, and is dressed for a trip to London with hair immaculate, and is at my house within half an hour all ready to face the world....I however wanted to stick a paper bag over my head and go to the train station in my fluffy PJ's, socks and slippers. But, I go get dressed and follow Mum around to the train station, even when I was small, if there was anything wrong with me it was 'because you don't drink enough' or 'because you never drink hot drinks'....'why don't you try herbal tea?'...because its bloody disgusting, that's why, today was no different, she marches ahead of me banging on about the fact that if I drank more everything would be just fine and dandy!
When we get to A&E the staff nurse takes one look at me and we are sent straight through to a little room on our own, Mum and I sat there looking at each other for what felt like ages, and for a change we didn't seem to be moving about, we started to worry that we had been forgotten just as I was called to be examined. Usually we are sitting right in the middle of all the hustle and bustle and we do, well Mum does, a lot of people watching. This time I was marched past where everyone else was sitting and past the examination areas, past the red chairs, and up a little corridor, as we pass the red chairs Mum says, 'look, there still isn't anyone sitting on the red chairs'.....we get in the little very clean examination room, and the Dr pops on a pair of gloves and lifts my eye lid, shines a light into the eye and then pronounces that i have viral are highly infectious....GO SIT ON THE RED CHAIRS!!!!!
Mum thought this was hilarious and wouldn't sit on the red chairs with me, she sat across the room on the, wait for it...GREY CHAIRS and proceeded to make faces and laugh at me, it was funny, and I suspect we got on the 'oldies' nerves with our messing about, eventually the nurse comes back with a bag full of goodies (well, medicine) and a warning not to put my contact lenses in while I was having the drops in my eyes and do not go back to work until it has cleared up! well, that told me, I sat with my arms folded, and my legs out like a teenager that had just had a telling off from the headmaster, Mum stuck her tongue out at me and we stated to laugh, once again Mum guided me home....I wasn't laughing for long though as by the end of the week I had managed to spread the infection to the other eye and both my girls were off of school with it....but on the bright side at least we know what the red chairs were for.....

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