Saturday 10 October 2015

What my brain sees

So, going back a bit now, over the years I have ended up in Moorfields A&E more time than I care to think about. I often get a lot of discomfort, when I am tired or have spent too much time where there are bright or flashing lights I get a dull ache in my eye, the hospital say this is unusual as the condition isn't usually accompanied by pain or discomfort, if I am very stressed out it can be so painful all I can do is lay in a dark room until I fall asleep. I think I have said before, I also cant do anything that might upset my balance, things like fairground rides, rooms filled with small people moving around at speed or simply scrolling up or down on the computer too quickly can set me off, my brain cannot cope with things moving too quickly and the strain of trying to focus gives me a head and eye ache, which then upsets my balance. When I was learning about this condition and losing my sight, I had a meeting with a very nice man named Rob, he told me that when people lose their sight, the brain searches for images that they recognise, so you might be looking at something, you cant see clearly what it is, so your brain races through millions of images of things that it MIGHT be and can produce something that isn't there, he said that people have been known to go to the doctors because they think they are hallucinating, so I shouldn't be surprised if this happens. I have noticed that my brain is very quick, I still do a lot of guess work, I find it so hard to explain how I know things are there or that thing say what they say, even when I cant see them I just know, ok, sometimes I am proved wrong, like at work the other day, I just assumed the person who was walking through the door was a person who works on our computers, but it wasn't him, just someone my brain recognised as him, I have also noticed that if I meet someone new, I see them everywhere, I don't really, but my brain does. it is constantly trying to remember what the person looks like so I know them next time, this means my brain homes in on anyone who has a similar figure, walks the same way or even if they smell the same.
we have a few new members of staff at school, I know I need to remember them (for a million different reasons, as working in a special needs school means that sometimes we have to move quickly so recognising people is very important), but today, Saturday, my girls and I went to Stevenage, I kept seeing these people everywhere, I know its not the people I know, and it drives me crackers, in the end my girls and I turned it into a game and we ended up in stitches....ah crap I just realised I was going to blog about red chairs, I seem to have got distracted!!! :)

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