Wednesday 29 March 2017

feeling like poop

This has got to have been the hardest couple of days I have had for a very long time.
I am so fed up with myself, I am very frustrated and grumpy.
As you know I had to go to the dentist to have three teeth removed on Monday morning.
I had one infected tooth at the top left back and two very infected teeth left bottom.
I hate the dentist as I have told you many times before, I just hate the smell, the noises, everything about it.
I hate the waiting rooms where you are crammed in between strangers on tiny uncomfortable chairs, my dentist has the TV on, supposedly to keep your mind off of either the check up or the bill you get at the end of your treatment.
On Monday I checked in and the receptionist yet again gave me a information update form to fill in, I couldn't even be bothered to explain that I couldn't fill it in, I took it upstairs to the waiting room and slapped it down on the chair beside me.
9am in the morning and the telly was blaring some old rubbish about buying houses and doing them up from auction.....just as the programme changed to something a little more challenging I was called in, the dentist noticed the form on the chair beside me and knew exactly why it was there, she took it walked me through to her examination room and helped me fill it in, with the promise of having a word with the practice manager as this sort of thing should not be happening!
Good, and thank you.
I settled down in the chair and received the first of my anaesthetic injections, which numbed up the top teeth perfectly, however the bottom ones weren't having any of it and just wouldn't numb up, so she began injecting anaesthetic straight into the nerves under the teeth, this did the trick.
The top tooth came out with out too much trouble, but the bottom two, were, quite frankly, a pair of bitches!
Apparently, i don't really understand and when you've had as much anaesthetic as I had you don't really give two flying buzzards, but as the infection was so bad the gums shrink, and fuse onto the root of the tooth, I swear, it would have hurt less if I had been run over by twenty double decker buses, despite all the numbing I still felt every twist, tug and yank. And the noise, well, believe me when I say I can still hear it now.
How is it possible to go and have regular injections in ones eyes, but put one into the dentists chair and one wants to use every swear word under the sun, and I am pretty sure I made some new ones up, and then punch the dentist in the face!
Anyway, an hour and a half later they were out.....'would you like to see them' the dentist says....I am sure it would have been less painful if I had given birth to all three teeth, so nooo I don't want to see the bloody teeth.
Then she shoves the plate with the false teeth on straight on top of my bleeding gums and gives me my instructions for the next 24 hours...No alcohol, no smoking, no exercise, bed rest and sleep sitting up.
My birthday plans for the following day melted away, no swimming, walking the dog or enjoying a glass of wine, the smoking part has never agreed with me so its something I shall not miss.
Luckily for me my sister happened to be parked outside the dentist and drove me home, depositing me on my doorstep, I felt like poo, blood pouring out of my mouth and a massive throbbing in my head.
I went to bed, 11am soon became 1pm and I awoke to fine a deep throbbing in my mouth, my face stuck to the pillow with a mixture of blood and dribble.
That was Monday, today is Wednesday. Although the bleeding has stopped, I still cant open my mouth wide, my face is swollen and I am hungry and irritable. I haven't washed my hair since Sunday evening as the thought of anything touching my face that I am not in full control of fills me with panic.
I really thought the teeth would be taken out, there would be a little blood, but I would be back at work Wednesday with no problems. Not a bloody chance! If I cant stand water on my face how am I going to manage if a child touches it? added to that every time I move the bottom holes start to bleed again.
And I took the false teeth plate out, I couldn't stand it, I will try and put it in maybe in a few days, but I need to recover!!
At the moment I am eating little bowl of fruit cut up into tiny pieces and mashed up birthday cake, the fruit freshens my mouth and the cake is just yummy!
At the start of this blog there was a big fat grey cloud floating firmly over my head, be sharing with you has helped lift my mood, so thank you for listening in advance!!
Considering I felt so rough yesterday I did have a lovely Birthday and was very spoilt, I had some lovely presents and probably chatted a bit to much which didn't help the swelling. I had a Birthday dinner of warm spaghetti Bolognese cut up in to tiny pieces, I used a teaspoon to eat it and it took ages, mashed up lemon cheesecake for pudding, all my favourites.
Back to this morning, before I even opened my eyes I knew there was no chance of me going to work today, despite the fact that I haven't washed my hair in what feels like days, I look a lot like I have a growth on the side of my face, I am tired and grumpy. I telephoned the dentist as soon as they were open and asked if I was normal, the rely was YES its your age, these things are harder the older you get....fudge off!!
So, I have to admit defeat, and just wait to feel better, if that takes a few more days, because as of yesterday I am 45 years old and appear to be classed as old thanks to the dentist receptionist today, then that is what it will be.
I am worn out now, so I am going to have a little sitting up nap.
Speak soon and sorry for moaning!xx

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