Friday 10 March 2017

relaxing bombshells

Hi Everyone!
I hope you have all had a good week? Today, Friday, has been one of those days when your feet don't touch the ground and you are constantly running from one job to the next.
The only thing that has pushed me through the day has been the thought of being able to have a hot bath, put on my PJ's and sit down as soon as I got home, as you all know, things never really go the way you want them to, but after catching up with the million things that I didn't really need to do but felt I should, this includes, taking Ralph for his second long walk of the day, cooking a batch of cupcakes, tidying the bedrooms and farting about with the newly emptied wheelie bins outside I am finally sitting on the sofa with Ralph beside me.
There is silence, well sort of, my girls are out, the telly is off, the dish washer is finished and empty and the washing machine is loaded and ready to go...but not yet....right now I need silence.
I have some little fairy lights we kept up from Christmas because the girls liked them, so I have been sitting with just those for light....
Ralph and I have shared a couple of these...well he shared with his eyes I shared with my mouth!
Anyway, there I sat, sprawled along the sofa with my feet dangling over the arm, listening...eyes closed, I could hear the relaxing soft sound of the water in the fish pond, then a aeroplane flying past, bringing a smile to my lips, my whole body started to relax as the sounds reminded me of summer, lazy days and holidays.
The sounds were taking me off somewhere special, I had that lovely warm bubbly feeling in my tummy that you get when you are really relaxed....then it happened, Ralph suddenly moved, I opened one eye and looked at him.....'That better not smell Ralph'...........HOLY CRAP!!! How on earth can such a small dog produce such a rancid smell....relaxation over! Dog deposited in the garden.
So then I got thinking about the week  that seems to have dragged on and on, which reminded me that Tuesday I went back to the dentist, which in turn reminded me that I still have tooth ache.
My two bad teeth didn't get removed as the dentist said they would this week, due to a problem with the impressions and the lab requesting more, so the impressions were done again and the dentist decided to do a filling on another tooth instead, she warned me that as it was such a deep filling I might get some after pain for a few days until it settles down...No S**T, I have been so uncomfortable that I could quite easily kill someone.
Tuesday was a busy day, and before I went to the dentist I went for a swim with my friend. 10 lengths of the pool I tell you! I am so proud of myself, I didn't do them all at the same time, I swam up and down, then had a little rest, then did it again. I am getting stronger each week, even when I had to swim away from the edge to avoid another swimmer I didn't drown, so all is good.
I also had another telephone meeting with RNIB Connect, this time there was just the four of us, and I feel much better about what I should be doing.
I have had a little idea, I don't know if it will work out, buttttt, so, I don't know if you have seen these places that do these obstacle course/mud run things, they look like good fun, well what if I could find a place that would open up their venue, say once a year, solely for the use of blind and partially sighted people and their families or carers, it could be a day of letting your hair down, no inhibitions, everyone helping each other out, no judgementations, just fun, you don't have to have a go, but wouldn't it be great if everyone could come together at a event like this, this is how people will talk to each other, share stories and experiences. you could even invite reps from the local sensory impairment team, Guide dogs and RNIB, even if they just gave out leaflets. A day like this could suit all ages and abilities as adaptations could be I thought I would just check it out, you know see how the land lies so to speak...AND FUDGE ME, I ONLY WENT AND FOUND A PLACE WHO SAID THAT THEY WOULD LOVE TO HELP PUT SOMETHING TOGETHER!!!!!!
I am astonished! All I need to do now is convince everyone else that its a good idea....
Also, I talked about having the diary made into audio format to reach more people who find accessing it in its original format difficult, so fingers crossed for that.
Well,  now I am tired so I am off to bed, so I leave you with a photo of my little mate just after he dropped another one of his delightful bombshells
Have a good weekend, speak soon xx

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