Monday 20 March 2017

Intentionally Ignorant?

Evening all!!
Well, that's Monday done and out of the way, before we know it Friday will be here again.
So the other things I wanted to tell you, pre tooth ache........
People, why are people so bloody inconsiderate? Or maybe it just doesn't enter their heads that they are being inconsiderate....
I dunno, but when I took Ralph out for a walk last week, actually that's sort of two weeks ago now, but the effects are still the same and the whole situation still makes my blood boil.
So, I had been messing around when I got in from work, you know doing the usual crap, making tea, putting the bins out and sitting on my backside watching Kardashian crap on TV, when I realised that I hadn't taken Ralph out, my girls were on their way out so I said I would walk a little way with them and walk the rest of the way home on my own, hopefully before it got dark.
A fab plan, they went off their own way a little way up the road and as it was getting dark I had to concentrate on my trundle around my usual route.
I feel I need to explain this photo a bit, so as I was walking along, Ralph was on his retractable lead and had decided he liked the look of a lamp post so I was sort of walking in front of him, when I walked, and I mean literally walked into this big black car, parked across the path and onto someone's drive.
Across the other side of the road is a fecking car park.
Anyhow, I had to take a big step back and just stood there looking, well I say looking, but I really couldn't see it, the road was dark, and the car was black, I think even a sighted person would have had trouble seeing it.
I got out my phone, thinking I would put on my flash light to get round the car safely, but it was parked bumper to bumper with another car that was parked on the drive way, meaning I would have to walk into the road with Ralph to get past.
Then, I had this massive urge to kick the door leaving a lovely great foot print in the side of the bloody great people carrier in my and every other pedestrians way. But then, because I am evil, and I am a Arian crossed with having a little more Italian in me than I like to admit, a image formed in my head, and for a split second I even thought about doing it......I stood there with this massive grin on my face as the images unfolded in my head, of me and Ralph climbing up on the wheel arch, pulling ourselves up onto the bonnet and proudly stomping over the bonnet, and then gracefully jumping off the other side of the bonnet, landing triumphantly upright and swaggering home with Ralph equally cocky.
But, now the image in my head was making me laugh, Ralph was looking up at me like, wassup Mum?
Of Couse the other option was to go hammer on the front door of the house and demand that the stupid f**king t**t's moved their illegally and selfishly parked car. But I used the flashlight and made my way around the car via the road.
I still regret not walking over the bonnet!!
I wonder if the driver even thought about the consequence of parking over the path? Did he or she even give a poop?
I just cant help smiling though at the thought of the look on a policeman's face as I stomped across a car bonnet, car owner screaming at me....think of the damage high heels would have made!! Christ, I would be lucky to walk across my bedroom floor in a pair of heels without breaking my neck let alone doing a dance on a car bonnet, I would have landed in a heap on the floor with every bone in my body broken!
On the Brightside, I had a chat with my friend who knows all about this churchy lent stuff, I told her a friend and I had given up chocolate for lent, and how I am starting to find the lack of choc choc in my diet really hard, but get lent is 40 days and nights right? but apparently from shrove Tuesday to Easter Sunday its 46 days, so that means you CAN EAT CHOCOLATE FOR SIX DAYS!!!! That's a dam result!
Trouble is, firstly I am worried that my friend is teasing me and secondly if I start eating chocolate I know I wont stop. Maybe I should buy some just to look at!
The other news is, I was asked to write a article for the RNIB connect magazine about blogging, I am not a professional blogger and for me its a non profitable hobby.
The feed back I get from the Diary of a blind lady has always been positive (so far), and I love doing it, so I agreed to write the article.
I thoroughly enjoyed doing it, its difficult when you have no idea what other peoples expectations are but I think my piece was well received. I am told it will be in a issue soon and they will let me know, which reminds me I must find out when the radio interview goes out. I hope I haven't missed it.
Anyway, while I was writing the article I realised how unprotected my blog is, and I have no idea how to protect it, its mine but if someone stole it how would I prove that its mine and who would I talk to?
I have printed each blog off and have them as a paper version safely tucked away, its something I need to look into.
Well, I suppose I should go to bed, its past 9pm on a school night!
Speak soon xx

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